
As a publicly listed company trading on the New York Stock Exchange, we are committed to maintaining a strong relationship with our investors and with the broader investment community. We are dedicated to the creation of long-term value for our shareholders, and we believe that transparency, accountability, and responsibility should be central to all that we do.

We welcome your interest in Transregionservice Shipping and encourage you to explore all of the materials that we have provided on this website. Please let us know if there is anything further that we can do to assist you in attaining a full understanding of our industry, our strategy, and our identity as a best-in-class owner and operator of modern product and chemical tankers.

About Us

We are an international owner of modern, fuel efficient "ECO" tanker vessels focusing on the transportation of petroleum products (clean and dirty) and bulk liquid chemicals.


143405 , Moscow region , Krasnogorsk city, Golyevo village , Central street, building 1

Phone: +7 495 661 9341, +7 969 089 9717

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