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LLC "Transregionservice"

LLC "Transregionservice" is a first-class organization dedicated to the very best operating practices, customer service and operational efficiency.

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LLC "Transregionservice"

LLC "Transregionservice" is a first-class organization dedicated to the very best operating practices, customer service and operational efficiency.

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LLC "Transregionservice"

LLC "Transregionservice" is a first-class organization dedicated to the very best operating practices, customer service and operational efficiency.

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LLC "Transregionservice"

LLC "Transregionservice" is a first-class organization dedicated to the very best operating practices, customer service and operational efficiency.


LLC "Transregionservice" operates a fleet of high-quality, modern products and chemical tankers.


Seafaring professionals are critical to Transregionservice’s success as they are on the front line.


As a publicly listed company, we are committed to maintaining a strong relationship with our investors.


LLC "Transregionservice" has offices worldwide with a professional team ready to handle any query you may have.

About Us

We are an international owner of modern, fuel efficient "ECO" tanker vessels focusing on the transportation of petroleum products (clean and dirty) and bulk liquid chemicals.

About Us

We are an international owner of modern, fuel efficient "ECO" tanker vessels focusing on the transportation of petroleum products (clean and dirty) and bulk liquid chemicals.


143405 , Moscow region , Krasnogorsk city, Golyevo village , Central street, building 1

Phone: +7 495 661 9341, +7 969 089 9717

Copyright © 2021 Transregionservice. All rights reserved.